Gray Matters Gallery Exhibitions

This is the online site for Gray Matters Gallery.
The gallery is no longer in operation.
These are historical postings, please enjoy!
Past Exhibitions
Image: Stacey Fisher
Not Monumental
Curated by Jimmie Hudson
October 15-November 23, 2016
Three contemporary artists extend the notion of materials, the found object, and the tension between individual authorship and cultural ownership. Josephine Durkin, Stacy Fisher, and Jay Henderson investigate the power of the small object. Oddity and quirkiness characterize the mishmash of diverse materials in these artworks at Gray Matters Gallery in Dallas, Texas.
Josephine Durkin builds relief sculptures by combining studio leftovers. Formerly discarded wooden cutoffs, negative shapes from the cutting of linoleum drawings, and plastic casts of leftovers like sewn paper and bubble wrap provide the pool of shapes, volumes, lines and palettes for these new constructions. There is a cultural ownership in these materials; most can be purchased from the local hardware store. The result is a uniformed cohesion in high relief, made harmonious by Durkin’s designer color schemes.
Stacey Fisher makes sculpture that has a solid relationship to the floor and wall. Though small and vulnerable, the forms appear forceful and confident. They are deceptively simple, yet unique, carefully constructed through a combination of hydrocal, burlap, wire, mesh, and house paint. Though abstract in nature, the forms reference something familiar, like a common domestic symbol. Little effort is made to disguise the earthy and commonplace materials of these quirky small works.
Jay Henderson encases found objects, random papers, and trash into cohesive objects by the use of a hot glue gun and metallic leafing. The glue is the subject matter. Like Fisher, he does not attempt to the conceal materials, and the process of encasement is the artwork’s power. Henderson unifies the disparate into a whole. These objects, either free standing or mounted as relief, are true eye candy--sensual and enticing.
Ticka Arts 3rd Gallery Exhibition
February 6-March 19, 2016
For the next month Ticka Arts marks its third gallery exhibition with our artists by exhibiting works at Gray Matters. Images presented by our artists vary in content. Our artists are not only commenting on motherhood and age, but also the complexities of the social media dialogue. Defining who we are as a society - every artist has taken a role in presenting works that are not only thought provoking and poetic, but also raw and sometimes emotional. Each artist has taken their own path to discovering how we exist in this world, and they have done so like many photographers – with the click of a shutter.
Artists: Hannah Leeber; Tytia Habing; Tiffany Smith; Anna Marcell; Trish Simonite; Ashley M. Jones; Lyndsay Carroll; Danielle Khoury; Melinda Hurst Frye; Eliana Cetto; Ashley Whitt; Jamie Carayiannis; Ross Faircloth.
Chirality: Defiant Mirror Images / Curated by Charissa N. Terranova
October 24-December 12, 2015
Panel discussion with artists and curator – Thursday, October 29, 7 pm
Artists – Ellen Levy, Jeff Gibbons, Luke Harnden, Trent Straughan, Alan and Michael Fleming, and Steve Oscherwitz.
Art meets science in Chirality: Defiant Mirror Images. This exhibition plays out the unique agency of chiral forms – their asymmetrical symmetry, how they look alike and act differently, and their ability to spin light out into space (or optical activity) – when introduced to the realm of art. Invoking “agency” in terms of the dynamics of chiral form, the exhibition sets in relief new models of form-making, individuation, and social action.
A Flexible Arrangement, a group exhibition featuring works by Sterling Allen, Kalee Appleton, Josh Rios, Barry Stone, Kevin Todora, and Casey James Wilson, curated by Nathan Green.
March 28- April 26, 2015
Close to a trillion photographs will be taken in 2015. The proliferation of the image within our ever-connected society has undoubtedly impacted our perception of reality, as well as reality itself. We consume hundreds, if not thousands of images on a daily basis searching for truths, fully knowing that the photographic image can lie. The act of photographing is fraught with subjectivity and the photograph itself is not an accurate depiction of things as they actually exist- the camera changes everything.
Now more than ever before, we are aware of the ways that a photograph can exaggerate, mask, and distort reality. The artists in "A Flexible Arrangement" celebrate the distortions. They explore the potential of the medium, as well as the failures, slippages, and fractures in photographic representation by physically or digitally manipulating the image, re-photographing it, or making it into sculptural form. A Flexible Arrangement embraces the endless possibilities of manipulating the photographic image.
"Ergo; Superergo" New work by Vance Wingate
February 7 to March 21, 2015
Yes, Vance owns Gray Matters Gallery, and is doing a show of his own work, therefore the name.
Some drawings, some paintings, some collages. Going back over 20+ years of artwork developed, some shown, many not, I found images and forms that resonated in new and different ways with the distance of time and changes wrought by age, attitude and circumstances. The reviewing of these earlier works prompted a reconsideration of them in my current work, brought on thoughts of entropy and passage of time, what is important now and what can still be viable in my current work and thought processes. The works presented are the beginning of that review and renewal of earlier ideas, techniques and avenues of investigation. My fascination with materials and formal elements is still forefront in every work, as well as indulgence in found materials and objects and repurposed images as basis for certain series of works.
"The Stuff of Legend", March 15 to May 10, 2014.
Curated by Margaret Meehan.
This exhibition brings together a diverse range of artists who reference mythic figures, evoking gender, fame, popular culture and politics. Using sculpture, painting, photography, works on paper and video these artists ask: how do we understand our world in an age of constantly changing, copied, pasted and linked information? Does historical context have a place in an ever-evolving present when most of what we see, hear and read is based on a subtle mix of truth, distortion and lies? The show will include the melancholy glam rock performance of Glitter Chariot; uncomfortably humorous and horrific work by both Libby Black and Lauren Woods; and sculptures by Gregory Ruppe and TJ Hunt, who reference art historical icons. All eight artists ask us to pause in the space between fact and fiction, playing on the assumed distance between collective memory, reinvention and pure imagination.
Featuring work by:
Libby Black / San Francisco, CA
Glitter Chariot / Los Angeles, CA & Tampa, FL
TJ Hunt / Austin, TX
Jim Nolan / Houston, TX
Carlos Rosales Silva/ New York, NY
Gregory Ruppe / Dallas, TX
Samantha Scherer / Seattle, WA
Lauren Woods / Dallas, TX
“The Artists’ Commission”
Curated by Sally Warren
November 1 to December 14, 2013.
Dallas/Fort Worth and national artists examine the multiple legacies of the 1963 assassination of JFK, scrutinizing topics such as cultural violence, mourning, collective denial, identity and celebrity.
Participants include: Mary Wallings Blackburn, Christopher Blay, Celia Eberle, Heyd Fontenot, Ann Glazer, Annette Lawrence, Susan Magilow, Louis Mallozzi, Francisco Moreno, Kurt Mueller, Ruben Nieto, Savannah Niles, Laray Polk, Ryder Richards, Vincent Ramos, Carolyn Sortor, Noah Simblist, Susan Teegarten, Terri Thornton, Vance Wingate.
In conjunction with the exhibition, on November 8th, beginning at 7:00 p.m., there will be a panel discussion entitled “Welcome to Nut Country” at CentralTrak, UTD’s Artist Residency and Gallery at 800 Exposition Ave., Dallas, TX 75226.
The discussion will feature professors Tom Stone, Southern Methodist University, and Michael Phillips, Collin County College, and will be moderated by exhibition curator Sally Warren.
Gray Matters Gallery is located at 113 N. Haskell Ave., Dallas, TX, between Elm and Main in East Dallas, near Deep Ellum.
"The artist, however faithful to his personal vision of reality, becomes the last champion of the individual mind and sensibility against an intrusive society and an officious state.” – John F. Kennedy
"Made In Oak Cliff"
George Green, Jack Mims, Jim Roche, Bob Wade, Mac Whitney
Organized by Bob Wade, Leigh Arnold & Vance Wingate
June 1 to August 30, 2013
“Made in Oak Cliff”, an exhibition featuring members of the Oak Cliff 4 group who were instrumental in bringing national arts attention to Dallas in the 1970’s, were influential in the development of many institutions that still exist in the DFW area as well as many artists who still work and reside in Dallas and surrounding areas.
The group of artists, George Green, Jack Mims, Jim Roche, Bob Wade and Mac Whitney worked in a loose community based in Oak Cliff, where cheap, spacious studios and living spaces could be found. The work reflects the humor and free-wheeling spirit of the time, using found imagery in photographs to comment on how the West was perceived by most people outside of Texas (Wade), paintings and collages that used humorous news items from well meaning deities (Mims), drawings of cockroaches and reptiles as denizens of an alternate world (Green), clothing from K-Mart and western wear enshrined in acrylic (Whitney) and humanoid cacti sculptures (Roche). Together the work made pointed commentary on historical as well as current events in Dallas, in Texas, and the United States at the time.
"Road Agent @ Gray Matters"
Curated by Christina Rees
March 11 to May 10, 2012
Christina Rees curated work by Peter Ligon and Corbett Sparks, two artists she represented at her gallery Road Agent, for a tremendous exhibition of work with understated impact. Ligons paintings of landscapes in Vermont, and ink drawings of iconic Dallas "landmarks" juxtaposed uniquely with Sparks "portraits" of animals, which focused only on their open, snarling mouths.
The Art Foundation (Joshua Goode, Ryder Richards, Lucia Simek, Andrew Douglas Underwood)
October 27 to December 15, 2012
The Art Foundation presents Duplicity, an examination of the alterego as haven for artistic experimentation. Concerned with the increasing burden of reputation stultifying/stymieing the creative process, the exhibit considers the artist choosing the notorious path of the doppelganger or other, under which all sins are parody and morality can be seen as mere psychological foibles. As a consciously created other used to fuel a subconscious desire the alter-ego allows for psychological freedom from the known ‘self’ in which the brave/cowardly may pursue paths often much more playful, interesting or outspoken. In true artist fashion many participants in “Duplicity” question or justify the need for this schizophrenic role within a post-Fordist, capitalistic economy, while others revel in the freedom to explore intellectual quandaries, experimental media, and display methods outside of their traditional gallery practice.
Theoretically, the alter-ego’s multiplicity is an artificial duality promoting unfulfilled desires by negating recognized identity as a qualifier. This anonymity leaves only objects and embedded concept as the artist sheds associated status. Capitalizing on this highly democratic method of exhibiting The Art Foundation has invited a range of internationally famous and virtual newbie artists to participate in the exhibition. Recognizing the internet as a primary source of avatar dissemination we will also provide a partner online exhibition.
Within the paradox of multiple identities, often the response to the other becomes primary, in essence overshadowing and consuming the original identity. Nodding to this phenomena fame as persona will also be examined through the artistic lens.
The Art Foundation is a Dallas-based art collective that aims to cultivate rigorous artistic dialogue and innovative art exhibition stragedies. Joshua Goode, Ryder Richards, Lucia Simek, and Andrew Douglas Underwood are The Art Foundation.
Gray Matters Gallery opened on September 14th, 1991. The space was the front area of the shared studios of David Szafranski and Vance Wingate, located at 113 N. Haskell Ave. in Dallas, TX.
Gray Matters Exhibitions
Gray Matters Opens September 1991. David Szafranski and Vance Wingate left 500X Gallery and opened Gray Matters Gallery at 113 N. Haskell Avenue, Dallas, TX 75226.
Sept. 14 – Oct 26 - Gray Matters @ Gray Matters / The Group Show / Artists: David Szafranski, Vance Wingate, Celia Eberle, John Hernandez, Mike Kennedy, Dottie Allen (Love), Tom Sale, Sherry Owens, Connie Cullum, Trish Nickell, Randy Bolton, Tom Moody
Nov. 8 to Dec. 14 – North American Survey on Vampirism / Mail Art Show
Jan 9 to Feb. 15 – Recent Works / Vance Wingate
Feb. 20 to Mar. 28 – Prepare to Pay / David Szafranski
April 9 to May 9 – New Works by Johnny Walker and Dottie Allen
May 22 to June 27 – The Next Best Show / Group Show / Artists: Dottie Allen (Love), Celia Eberle, Trish Nickell, Sherry Owens, Connie Cullum, Tom Sale, Randy Bolton, Tom Moody, Vance Wingate, Mike Kennedy, David Szafranski.
Sept. 10 to Oct. 10 – New Paintings by Celia Eberle (Vance Wingate in Hallway)
Vance Wingate moves to Seattle Fall 1992.
Oct. 23 to Dec. 5 – Trish Nickell
Dec. 11 to Jan. 9 1993 – Block Print Invitational / Artists: Group show of small block prints including: David Szafranski, Al Harris, Patrick Faulhaber, Sandra Skrabanek, Charles Hancock, Anthony Huff, Dottie Allen, Tom Sale, Tom Moody, Russell Sublette, Vance Wingate, Benito Huerta, Dolan Smith, Mike Henderson, Randy Bolton, Art McSweeney, Michael Whitehead, Trish Nickell, John Hernandez, Kathy Pomara, Ann Graham, Celia Eberle, Betsy Belcher, Connie Cullum-Byers, Janet Tyson, John McAlpin, John Held, Kristin Shauck, Jimmie Hudson, Helen Altman
Jan 15 –Feb 13 – Tom Sale and Sherry Owens
Feb. 19 – March 27 – Tom Moody
April 2 to May 8 – Recent Prints / Randy Bolton
May 21 to June 26 – Mister Szafranski and His Show of 1001 Illusions / David Szafranski
Sept. 11 to Oct. 23 – Dolan Smith in Girl World
Oct. 29 – Dec. 11 – Paintings / Perry House / Curated by Tom Moody
Jan 14 –Feb 12 – Dottie Allen / Photographs & Jimmie Hudson / Objects
March 18 to April 23 – Recent Paintings Trish Nickell
Sept 23 – Oct 30 – Johnny Walker
Nov 18 – Dec. 17 – Tom Sale and Sandra Skrabanek
Mar 24 –April 22 – Celia Eberle
April 28 – May 27 – Michael Henderson
Sept 8 –Oct 14 – Watch Mr. Szafranski Turn Red / David Szafranski
Oct. 20 Nov. 18 – Joe Allen and Rob Caslin
Jan 12 –Feb 10 – Reconstructedness / curated by Michael Henderson / Artists: Dottie Allen, Anitra Blayton, Robin Dru Germany, Michael Henderson, Tom Sale, Ludwig Schwartz and David Szafranski. This show also traveled to DiverseWorks in Houston.
Feb-Mar – 5 Year Anniversary
April 12 – May 18 – Paranormal Painting / Paul Beck, Celia Eberle, Dolan Smith
Vance Wingate Returns July 1996
Dave Szafranski moves to Paris, France.
Sept 7 – Oct. 26 – Snake Eyes & Sixes / Group show / Artists: Group show including: Dottie Allen, Andy Don Emmons, Tom Sale, Bruce Webb, Celia Eberle, Robin Dru Germany.
Nov. 2 – Dec. 7 – Drawing from New York / Curated by Michael Henderson / Artists: Elaine Hansen, Drew Shiflett, Holly Sumner
Dec. 13– 1st Xmas Ornament Show / Benefit for Art Powered Minds
Feb. 7 to Mar. 1 – Jimmie Hudson & Monica Pierce
April 4 to April 26 – Michael Henderson @ Gray Matters
March 7 – 29 – Pictures We Like / Curated by Dottie Allen / Artists: Dottie Allen, Jeff Baker, Susan Carnahan, Carl Conrad, Deedra Dedman, Robin dru Germany, Heather Grace, Martin Iles, Kiba Jacobson, Barbara Lambert (Cohen), Schell Taylor, Johnny Walker, Cassie Weyandt, Vance Wingate.
May 16 – June 14 – Our Hidden World of Panic / Tom Sale and Vance Wingate
Sept. 6 – Oct. 11 – Dark Vision / Dolan Smith
Oct. 25 to Nov. 22 – Faithful Companions / Tom Sale
Dec. 6 to 20 – 2nd Xmas Wreath show & Exactly What (Erin Piper) / Fashion Extravaganza. Benefit for Lesbian/Gay Resource Center of Dallas.
Jan. 10 – Feb. 14 – Jennasayqaw Gnosie / Andy Don Emmons, Jr.
Feb. 28 to March 28 – The Queen’s Closet Opened / Teel Sale
April 11 to May 16 – Remembering Moses / Johnny Walker
May 30 to July 14 – Examining the Body of God / Celia Eberle
Gray Matters closed Aug. 98 to Dec. 98
Jan. 23 – Feb. 27 – Every Dog Has Its Day / Tom Sale and Jimmy Cantwell
March 6 – April 3 – Big Pictures / Dottie Allen
April 10 – May 15 / Wounds & Scars / Dolan Smith
May 29 – June 19 – Who Wrote the Book of Love / Vance Wingate
Sept. 18 to Oct. 23 / This Show Belongs To: Chuck & George / Brian Jones and Brian Scott
Nov. 6 to Dec. 4 – The S_X SH_W (I’d Like to Buy a Vowel, Pat) / Group show / Artists: Dottie Allen, Lisa Clark, Steve Cruz, Celia Eberle, Andy Emmons, Brian Jones, Barbara Lambert, Rosemary Meza, Tom Sale, Brian Scott, Robert Sieg, Dolan Smith, Susan Whitmer, Vance Wingate.
Dec. 11 – 3rd Xmas Clock and Card show. Benefit for Local organization.
Gray Matters Closed 2000 & 2001
Jan. 26 – Feb 23– Pretty Little Things / Dottie Love & Tom Sale
Jan. 26 / INSCRIBE / Magazine Release / Brad Cushman
March 23 to May 11 / Bi-Polaroid Disorder / Julie Ross
June 1 – July 20 – I’ve Never Seen So Many Happy People / Group Show / Artists: Steve Cruz, Ken Craft, Brian Jones, Brian Scott, Tom Sale, Rosemary Meza, Julie Ross, Barbara Lambert, Dolen Smith, Jason Cohen, Patrick Rogers, Kiba Jacobson, Vance Wingate, Bruce Webb, Meredith Eberle, and Mark Ross
Gray Matters Website started.
Sept. 14 to Oct. 12 – Curiosities from the Cabinet / Tom Sale
Oct. 19 to Nov. 9 – consideration:aside / Vance Wingate
Nov. 16 to Dec. 7 – Bangs of Every Size / Ken Craft
Dec. 13 – 4th Xmas Benefit show. Benefit for Oddfellows Lodge Charities.
Jan. 11 to Feb. 8 – Meredith Eberle, Colleen Graves, Julie Ross
March 1 to April 12 – Strange & Fickle Institution / Group show for Stacy & Vance’s Wedding / Artists: Mark Ross, Julie Ross, Brian Jones, Brian Scott, Ken Craft, Michael Colyer, Tom Sale, Rosemary Meza, Meredith Eberle, Colleen Graves, Steve Cruz
April 26 to May 31 – The Far Too Insular World of Chuck & George / Brian Jones and Brian Scott.
Sept. 10 – 27 – Genevieve / Dottie Love
Oct. 4 -25 – Gray Matters Gallery Group / Artists: Tom Sale, Vance Wingate, Julie Ross, Teel Sale, Mark Ross, Ken Craft, Bruce Webb, Andy Ramirez, Dottie Love, Meredith Eberle.
Oct. 29 to Nov. 29 – Stephanie Serpick
Nov. 9 – Tattoo Art Show with Oliver Peck
Nov. 22 – Art Prostitute Issue #3 Release Party
Dec. 6 – Xmas Card Show
Dec. 6 to 23 – Recipes for Disaster / Tom Sale
Jan. 7-31 – Island of Lost Toys / Group Show / Artists: Michael Colyer, Jason Cohen, Julie Ross, Jimmie Hudson, Tom Sale, Brian Jones & Brian Scott (Chuck & George), Mark Ross, Kelly Clark, Cris Neumann
March 3-27 – Old Gossip, Oddments, and Dimmed Wares of Price / Teel Sale
March 31 to April 24 – Figure / Benjamin Jones
April 28 – May 29 – Simple Studies on the Mechanics of Probability / Jose Andres Ramirez
June 2 to June 22 – Fear (again) / Vance Wingate
July 7 – 31 – Characters by Design / Group Show Curated by Jason Cohen /Artists: Ugly Dolls/David Horvath & Sun-Min, Dame Darcy, BiggerKrissy, Wendy Gardner, Spasmodical, Loveablan, Corporate Pig, Liz McGrath, Kevin Titzer, Pars Kid, Fawn Gehweiler, MEOM, Furilla, Friends with You, Steve Cruz, Tom Sale, Celia Eberle, Nina Waisman, Randy Regier, Jason Cohen, Barbara Cohen, Joey Seeman, Christy Kane, Marcel Dejure, Shawn Smith.
August 1-28 – Dog Days of August / Group Show of Gallery Artists
Tom Sale, Vance Wingate, Jean Hess, Jimmie Hudson, Benjamin Jones, Chuck & George and others.
Sept. 1 – Oct. 2 – Wherever I go, There I am / Julie Ross
Sept. 6-30 / A Little Bit Icky / Southside on Lamar (UTD precursor to CentralTrak) Group Show / Artists: Brian Scott, Brian Jones, Meredith Eberle, Tom Sale, Margaret Meehan, Colleen Graves.
Oct. 6 – 30 – Code Red Cotillion / Jason Archer & Paul Beck
Nov. 3 – 27 – Kitchen Windows, Desert Trails / Ken Craft
Dec. 1 – 23 – Great Things in Small Packages & Xmas Card Show
Artists: Suzanne Banning, Ken Craft, C.J. Davis, Lari Gibbons, Coleen Graves, Russ Havard, Jimmie Hudson, Benjamin Jones, Brian Jones, Margaret Meehan, Cris Neumann, Gary Parkins, Randy Regier, Julie Ross, Mark Ross, Teel Sale, Tom Sale, Brian Scott, Noah Simblist, Steve Wiman, Vance Wingate.
Jan. 6 to Feb. 6 – New Work, New Year / CJ Davis, Noah Simblist, Brad Ford Smith
Feb. 10 – March 26 – Indefinite Allegories / Jack Barnett
March 31 to May 8 – Bedtime Stories and Other Night Terrors / Tom Sale; Also / Pinky Diablo’s Trailer of Monstrosities: A Traveling Cabinet of Curiosities.
May 12 to June 19 – Better Than New / Randy Bolton & Randy Regier
June 26 to July 31 – Haunted Spaces / Colleen Graves
July 9 – Art Prostitute Fundraiser / Brian Gibb, Mark Searcy, Nevada Hill
Gray Matters Closes August 2005
January – Gray Matters Gallery Group show at CSAW in Houston.
Feb. 20 to March 22 – Gestures of Resistance / Group show / Artists: Kelly Cobb, Anna Campbell, Liz Collins, Sabrina Gschwandther, Allison Smith, Lisa Anne Auerbach, Cat Mazza, Julia Bryan Wilson, Barb Hunt, Sarah Klein, Barbara Koenen, Robyn Love, Carole Lung aka Frau Fiber, Zoe Sheehan Saldana, Ehren Tool, Anne Wilson, Sara Rabinowitz, Jeroen Nelemans, Surabhi Ghosh, Sherri Wood, Rod Northcutt. In conjunction with CAA National Conference in Dallas.
May 3 – 17 – Last Winter / Stephanie Brown & Emily Ewbank
March 9 to May – Road Agent at Gray Matters / Peter Ligon and Corbett Sparks
Oct. 27 to Dec. 13 – TWAIN / The Art Foundation / Joshua Goode, Ryder Richards, Lucia Simek and Andrew Douglas Underwood. Invited guests: Barnaby Fitzgerald and Richard Patterson.
June 1 to August 1 – Made in Oak Cliff / George Green, Jack Mims, Jim Roche, Bob Wade and Mac Whitney. Co-curated by Leigh Arnold. This show was organized in conjunction with the DMA show 'DallaSITES', which was an overview of the history of art and galleries in Dallas/Fort Worth. The archives of Gray Matters Gallery were donated to the DMA for their research library.
November 1 to December 14 – The Artists Commission. Curated by Sally Warren. Mary Wallings Blackburn, Christopher Blay, Celia Eberle, Heyd Fontenot, Ann Glazer, Annette Lawrence, Susan Magilow, Louis Mallozzi, Francisco Moreno, Kurt Mueller, Ruben Nieto, Savannah Niles, Laray Polk,
Ryder Richards, Vincent Ramos, Carolyn Sortor, Noah Simblist, Susan Teegarten, Terri Thornton, Vance Wingate.
April 12 to May 10 -The STUFF of Legends / Curated by Margaret Meehan.
Libby Black / San Francisco, CA
Glitter Chariot / Los Angeles, CA & Tampa, FL
TJ Hunt / Austin, TX
Jim Nolan / Houston, TX
Carlos Rosales Silva/ New York, NY
Gregory Ruppe / Dallas, TX
Samantha Scherer / Seattle, WA
Lauren Woods / Dallas, TX
February 7 to March 21 – Ergo; Superergo / Solo Exhibition by Vance Wingate.
March 28 to April 26 – A Flexible Arrangement / Curated by Nathan Green. Sterling Allen, Kalee Appleton, Josh Rios, Barry Stone, Kevin Todora, and Casey James Wilson
October 24 to December 12 – Chirality: Defiant Mirror Images / Curated by Charissa Terranova. Ellen Levy, Jeff Gibbons, Luke Harnden, Trent Straughan, Alan and Michael Fleming, and Steve Oscherwitz
February 6 to March 19, 2016 – Ticka Arts 3rd Gallery Exhibition / Members of Ticka Arts. Hannah Leeber; Tytia Habing; Tiffany Smith; Anna Marcell; Trish Simonite; Ashley M. Jones; Lyndsay Carroll; Danielle Khoury; Melinda Hurst Frye; Eliana Cetto; Ashley Whitt; Jamie Carayiannis; Ross Faircloth.
October 15 to November 23, 2016 – Not Monumental / Curated by Jimmie Hudson. Josephine Durkin; Stacey Fisher; Jay Henderson.
December 2016 – Gray Matters Gallery closed and now operates solely as a private studio/workshop.